This sample belongs to: Nicholas Swanson-Hysell

Sample Unique Identifier = IENSH0009 (Detail)
Aliquot Unique Identifier = IENSH000A (Detail)
Aliquot Name = MP111-182 zircon
Analysis Purpose = SingleAge
Laboratory Name = MIT
Analyst Name = Seth Burgess
Aliquot Reference = NONE
Aliquot Instrumental Method = ID-TIMS
Aliquot Instrumental Method Reference = NONE
Calibration Uncertainty 206/238 = 0.0000
Calibration Uncertainty 208/232 = 0.0000
CalibrationUncertainty 207/206 = 0.0000
Aliquot Comment = NONE

Sample Metadata
Stratigraphic Formation Name = NONE
Stratigraphic Geologic Age (Ma) = NONE ( 0 Ma - 0 Ma )
Stratigraphic Minimum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Stratigraphic Maximum Absolute Age (Ma) = 0.0
Detrital Type = NONE

Sample Date Models
Value: 1100360961.471380710601806640625
Uncertainty Type: ABS
One Sigma: 126567.025011488047312013804912567138671875
Mean Squared Weighted Deviation: 1.4436124986174492246249201343744061887264251708984375
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty: 253134.05002297609462402760982513427734375
PlusInternal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty: 415897.97438156488351523876190185546875
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration Uncertainty:
Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty: 1248812.0488645094446837902069091796875
Plus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:
Minus Internal Two Sigma Uncertainty with Tracer Calibration and Decay Constant Uncertainty:

Included Fractions Vector:

Explanation: Explanation
Comment: Comment
Preferred: true

Alph Pb Models:
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
MIT S54 Daly 0.0025 ABS 0.0002

Analysis Fractions
Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z1
Grain ID = z1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT S54 Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00092 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99237 PCT 0.00537
r270_265m 0.07025 PCT 0.02814
r270_267m 0.06972 PCT 0.02759
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0113 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00035 PCT 0.32371
r206_204m 3,609.98325 PCT 0.33357
r206_205m 1.25825 PCT 0.01707
r206_207m 12.61252 PCT 0.03195
r206_208m 7.44631 PCT 0.0294
r207_204m 286.27235 PCT 0.34466
r207_205m 0.09976 PCT 0.03583
r208_204m 484.95735 PCT 0.34626
r208_205m 0.16898 PCT 0.03258
r233_235m 0.99632 PCT 0.00537
r238_233m 0.07025 PCT 0.02814
r238_235m 0.07 PCT 0.02759

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18674 ABS 0.00008
r206_238r_Th 0.18676 ABS 0.00008
r207_206r 0.07642 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_Pa 0.07642 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_Th 0.07641 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07641 ABS 0.00006
r207_235r 1.96676 ABS 0.00187
r207_235r_Pa 1.96676 ABS 0.00187
r208_206r 0.12724 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.62064 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.62064 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.62062 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.62062 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.21502 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.21502 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.21504 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.21504 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,103.701 Ma ABS 0.433 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,103.78 Ma ABS 0.433 Ma
age207_206r 1,105.185 Ma ABS 1.528 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,105.18 Ma ABS 1.528 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,105.029 Ma ABS 1.528 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,105.024 Ma ABS 1.528 Ma
age207_235r 1,104.2 Ma ABS 0.641 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,104.199 Ma ABS 0.641 Ma
bestAge 1,103.701 Ma ABS 0.433 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.13432

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 80.80286 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.4215 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 4,889.93771 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07642 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.50845 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.35499 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.07349 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z1_1
Grain ID = z1_1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET2535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = true
Alpha Pb Model ID = #NONE#
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.00255 ABS 0.0
alphaU 0.0009 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.98904 PCT 0.00557
r270_265m 0.52906 PCT 0.0073
r270_267m 0.52326 PCT 0.00835
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0073 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r202_205m 1.0071 PCT 0.0236
r204_205m 0.00058 PCT 0.53544
r206_204m 17,131.88178 PCT 0.51549
r206_205m 9.82084 PCT 0.02506
r206_207m 12.98961 PCT 0.01693
r206_208m 6.05318 PCT 0.02989
r207_204m 1,319.01101 PCT 0.51657
r207_205m 0.75614 PCT 0.0336
r208_204m 2,830.84059 PCT 0.51859
r208_205m 1.62244 PCT 0.0513
r233_235m 0.99297 PCT 0.00557
r238_233m 0.52906 PCT 0.0073
r238_235m 0.52534 PCT 0.00835

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18621 ABS 0.00006
r206_238r_Th 0.18623 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r 0.07628 ABS 0.00002
r207_206r_Pa 0.07628 ABS 0.00002
r207_206r_Th 0.07628 ABS 0.00002
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07628 ABS 0.00002
r207_235r 1.95764 ABS 0.00076
r207_235r_Pa 1.95763 ABS 0.00076
r208_206r 0.16345 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.78582 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.7858 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.7858 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.78579 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.00549 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.0055 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.00553 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.00553 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,100.826 Ma ABS 0.308 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,100.902 Ma ABS 0.308 Ma
age207_206r 1,101.558 Ma ABS 0.482 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,101.553 Ma ABS 0.482 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,101.409 Ma ABS 0.482 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,101.404 Ma ABS 0.482 Ma
age207_235r 1,101.072 Ma ABS 0.262 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,101.07 Ma ABS 0.262 Ma
bestAge 1,100.826 Ma ABS 0.308 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.06642

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 354.49778 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.54138 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 20,763.78912 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07628 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51082 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.3702 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.40018 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z3
Grain ID = z3
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT S54 Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00095 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99272 PCT 0.00554
r270_265m 0.02854 PCT 0.0719
r270_267m 0.02833 PCT 0.0718
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0108 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00029 PCT 0.77779
r206_204m 1,648.73756 PCT 0.79419
r206_205m 0.47909 PCT 0.02746
r206_207m 12.13397 PCT 0.08649
r206_208m 5.64914 PCT 0.06006
r207_204m 135.92167 PCT 0.82249
r207_205m 0.03949 PCT 0.08446
r208_204m 292.06147 PCT 0.86818
r208_205m 0.08481 PCT 0.05175
r233_235m 0.99668 PCT 0.00554
r238_233m 0.02854 PCT 0.0719
r238_235m 0.02844 PCT 0.0718

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18694 ABS 0.00017
r206_238r_Th 0.18695 ABS 0.00017
r207_206r 0.07624 ABS 0.00015
r207_206r_Pa 0.07624 ABS 0.00015
r207_206r_Th 0.07623 ABS 0.00015
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07623 ABS 0.00015
r207_235r 1.96423 ABS 0.00444
r207_235r_Pa 1.96423 ABS 0.00444
r208_206r 0.16209 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.53648 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.53648 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.53646 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.53646 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.14444 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.14444 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.14445 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.14445 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,104.773 Ma ABS 0.948 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,104.849 Ma ABS 0.948 Ma
age207_206r 1,100.497 Ma ABS 3.854 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,100.493 Ma ABS 3.854 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,100.349 Ma ABS 3.854 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,100.344 Ma ABS 3.854 Ma
age207_235r 1,103.334 Ma ABS 1.52 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,103.333 Ma ABS 1.52 Ma
bestAge 1,104.773 Ma ABS 0.948 Ma
percentDiscordance -0.38856

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 40.5212 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.53701 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 2,392.42321 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07624 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.5091 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.34933 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.16373 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z3_1
Grain ID = z3_1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET2535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = true
Alpha Pb Model ID = #NONE#
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.00258 ABS 0.0
alphaU 0.00089 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99161 PCT 0.00501
r270_265m 0.16792 PCT 0.01429
r270_267m 0.16651 PCT 0.01485
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0061 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r202_205m 1.00674 PCT 0.02338
r204_205m 0.00052 PCT 0.67086
r206_204m 5,927.24041 PCT 0.6827
r206_205m 3.08133 PCT 0.02539
r206_207m 12.76864 PCT 0.03722
r206_208m 6.02514 PCT 0.04321
r207_204m 464.19521 PCT 0.68063
r207_205m 0.24132 PCT 0.04466
r208_204m 984.04304 PCT 0.69809
r208_205m 0.51153 PCT 0.05835
r233_235m 0.99556 PCT 0.00501
r238_233m 0.16792 PCT 0.01429
r238_235m 0.16717 PCT 0.01485

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18617 ABS 0.00006
r206_238r_Th 0.18619 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r 0.07631 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_Pa 0.07631 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_Th 0.0763 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_ThPa 0.0763 ABS 0.00004
r207_235r 1.95788 ABS 0.00141
r207_235r_Pa 1.95787 ABS 0.00141
r208_206r 0.16105 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.60063 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.60063 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.60061 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.60061 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.148 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.148 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.14801 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.14801 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,100.601 Ma ABS 0.35 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,100.677 Ma ABS 0.35 Ma
age207_206r 1,102.249 Ma ABS 1.161 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,102.244 Ma ABS 1.161 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,102.099 Ma ABS 1.161 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,102.095 Ma ABS 1.161 Ma
age207_235r 1,101.155 Ma ABS 0.483 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,101.153 Ma ABS 0.483 Ma
bestAge 1,100.601 Ma ABS 0.35 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.1495

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 126.25017 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.53343 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 7,420.90269 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07631 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51076 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.3714 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.39149 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z4
Grain ID = z4
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT S54 Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00111 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99224 PCT 0.01161
r270_265m 0.13934 PCT 0.05302
r270_267m 0.13816 PCT 0.05097
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0122 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00049 PCT 0.72254
r206_204m 5,222.02657 PCT 0.73257
r206_205m 2.54421 PCT 0.01576
r206_207m 12.76352 PCT 0.04686
r206_208m 5.39814 PCT 0.03268
r207_204m 409.13065 PCT 0.76023
r207_205m 0.19934 PCT 0.0538
r208_204m 964.17167 PCT 0.73947
r208_205m 0.47131 PCT 0.03989
r233_235m 0.9962 PCT 0.01161
r238_233m 0.13934 PCT 0.05302
r238_235m 0.13871 PCT 0.05097

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18625 ABS 0.00011
r206_238r_Th 0.18626 ABS 0.00011
r207_206r 0.07628 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_Pa 0.07628 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_Th 0.07627 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07627 ABS 0.00006
r207_235r 1.95789 ABS 0.00223
r207_235r_Pa 1.95788 ABS 0.00223
r208_206r 0.18061 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.69644 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.69644 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.69643 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.69643 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.2135 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.2135 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.21352 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.21352 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,101.031 Ma ABS 0.622 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,101.105 Ma ABS 0.622 Ma
age207_206r 1,101.41 Ma ABS 1.671 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,101.405 Ma ABS 1.671 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,101.264 Ma ABS 1.671 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,101.259 Ma ABS 1.671 Ma
age207_235r 1,101.158 Ma ABS 0.765 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,101.157 Ma ABS 0.765 Ma
bestAge 1,101.031 Ma ABS 0.622 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.03433

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 111.23572 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.59823 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 6,438.42029 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07628 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51075 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.36911 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.39111 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z4_1
Grain ID = z4_1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET2535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = true
Alpha Pb Model ID = #NONE#
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.00247 ABS 0.0
alphaU 0.00078 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99135 PCT 0.00829
r270_265m 0.17262 PCT 0.0305
r270_267m 0.17103 PCT 0.03323
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0066 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r202_205m 1.00698 PCT 0.03279
r204_205m 0.00056 PCT 0.69673
r206_204m 5,671.00123 PCT 0.69808
r206_205m 3.16281 PCT 0.03042
r206_207m 12.75012 PCT 0.05111
r206_208m 6.35347 PCT 0.05335
r207_204m 444.78861 PCT 0.70228
r207_205m 0.24818 PCT 0.0594
r208_204m 892.59239 PCT 0.70066
r208_205m 0.4979 PCT 0.06423
r233_235m 0.9953 PCT 0.00829
r238_233m 0.17262 PCT 0.0305
r238_235m 0.17171 PCT 0.03323

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18597 ABS 0.0001
r206_238r_Th 0.18599 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r 0.07634 ABS 0.00005
r207_206r_Pa 0.07634 ABS 0.00005
r207_206r_Th 0.07634 ABS 0.00005
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07634 ABS 0.00005
r207_235r 1.95674 ABS 0.00177
r207_235r_Pa 1.95673 ABS 0.00177
r208_206r 0.15215 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.60658 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.60658 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.60657 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.60657 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.03085 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.03086 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.03089 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.03089 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,099.525 Ma ABS 0.533 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,099.601 Ma ABS 0.533 Ma
age207_206r 1,103.211 Ma ABS 1.44 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,103.206 Ma ABS 1.44 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,103.059 Ma ABS 1.44 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,103.054 Ma ABS 1.44 Ma
age207_235r 1,100.763 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,100.761 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
bestAge 1,099.525 Ma ABS 0.533 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.33412

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 117.77663 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.50392 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 6,974.30149 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07634 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51106 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.37712 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.43259 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z5
Grain ID = z5
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT S54 Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00093 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.9917 PCT 0.00337
r270_265m 0.16404 PCT 0.00875
r270_267m 0.16268 PCT 0.0079
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.01 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00044 PCT 0.43587
r206_204m 6,862.97622 PCT 0.44836
r206_205m 2.99896 PCT 0.01116
r206_207m 12.85469 PCT 0.03069
r206_208m 6.56923 PCT 0.0136
r207_204m 533.7662 PCT 0.46277
r207_205m 0.23325 PCT 0.02552
r208_204m 1,044.42471 PCT 0.47878
r208_205m 0.45645 PCT 0.01997
r233_235m 0.99565 PCT 0.00337
r238_233m 0.16404 PCT 0.00875
r238_235m 0.16333 PCT 0.0079

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18604 ABS 0.00005
r206_238r_Th 0.18605 ABS 0.00005
r207_206r 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_Pa 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_Th 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_235r 1.95561 ABS 0.00134
r207_235r_Pa 1.9556 ABS 0.00134
r208_206r 0.14874 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.6207 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.62069 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.62066 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.62065 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.26659 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.26658 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.26656 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.26656 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,099.865 Ma ABS 0.281 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,099.942 Ma ABS 0.281 Ma
age207_206r 1,101.383 Ma ABS 1.113 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,101.378 Ma ABS 1.113 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,101.231 Ma ABS 1.113 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,101.226 Ma ABS 1.113 Ma
age207_235r 1,100.375 Ma ABS 0.46 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,100.373 Ma ABS 0.46 Ma
bestAge 1,099.865 Ma ABS 0.281 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.13787

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 146.28 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.49263 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 8,682.47435 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07627 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51135 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.37531 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.47326 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z6
Grain ID = z6
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT S54 Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00102 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99242 PCT 0.00714
r270_265m 0.08811 PCT 0.04157
r270_267m 0.08745 PCT 0.04237
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0111 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00058 PCT 0.73345
r206_204m 2,737.22432 PCT 0.72904
r206_205m 1.59012 PCT 0.02708
r206_207m 12.42072 PCT 0.05872
r206_208m 6.33452 PCT 0.05258
r207_204m 220.41046 PCT 0.73999
r207_205m 0.12803 PCT 0.05793
r208_204m 432.31069 PCT 0.79592
r208_205m 0.25103 PCT 0.05717
r233_235m 0.99637 PCT 0.00714
r238_233m 0.08811 PCT 0.04157
r238_235m 0.0878 PCT 0.04237

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18597 ABS 0.00011
r206_238r_Th 0.18598 ABS 0.00011
r207_206r 0.07625 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r_Pa 0.07625 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r_Th 0.07624 ABS 0.0001
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07624 ABS 0.0001
r207_235r 1.95426 ABS 0.00277
r207_235r_Pa 1.95426 ABS 0.00277
r208_206r 0.14753 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.45251 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.45251 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.45249 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.45249 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.03072 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.03073 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.03073 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.03073 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,099.501 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,099.579 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
age207_206r 1,100.727 Ma ABS 2.525 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,100.722 Ma ABS 2.525 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,100.575 Ma ABS 2.525 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,100.57 Ma ABS 2.525 Ma
age207_235r 1,099.913 Ma ABS 0.95 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,099.911 Ma ABS 0.95 Ma
bestAge 1,099.501 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.11134

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 54.43514 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.48861 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 3,245.85282 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07625 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.5117 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.37724 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.52172 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z6_1
Grain ID = z6_1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET2535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = true
Alpha Pb Model ID = #NONE#
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.00352 ABS 0.0
alphaU 0.00083 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99176 PCT 0.00773
r270_265m 0.1294 PCT 0.05194
r270_267m 0.12841 PCT 0.05125
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.006 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r202_205m 1.00442 PCT 0.02164
r204_205m 0.00068 PCT 0.51144
r206_204m 3,481.79904 PCT 0.50992
r206_205m 2.36653 PCT 0.02244
r206_207m 12.55371 PCT 0.03749
r206_208m 5.54907 PCT 0.03395
r207_204m 277.31801 PCT 0.49058
r207_205m 0.18875 PCT 0.03125
r208_204m 628.37278 PCT 0.51872
r208_205m 0.42651 PCT 0.04787
r233_235m 0.99571 PCT 0.00773
r238_233m 0.1294 PCT 0.05194
r238_235m 0.12892 PCT 0.05125

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18617 ABS 0.00011
r206_238r_Th 0.18618 ABS 0.00011
r207_206r 0.07618 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_Pa 0.07618 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_Th 0.07618 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07618 ABS 0.00006
r207_235r 1.95469 ABS 0.00185
r207_235r_Pa 1.95469 ABS 0.00185
r208_206r 0.17145 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.55607 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.55607 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.55605 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.55605 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r 0.09271 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r 0.09271 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th 0.09268 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th 0.09268 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,100.582 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,100.657 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
age207_206r 1,099.028 Ma ABS 1.584 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,099.023 Ma ABS 1.584 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,098.881 Ma ABS 1.584 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,098.876 Ma ABS 1.584 Ma
age207_235r 1,100.06 Ma ABS 0.637 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,100.059 Ma ABS 0.637 Ma
bestAge 1,100.582 Ma ABS 0.608 Ma
percentDiscordance -0.14141

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 70.15366 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.56789 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 4,097.60394 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07618 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51159 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.3715 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.50624 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z7
Grain ID = z7
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = false
Alpha Pb Model ID = MIT S54 Daly
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.0025 ABS 0.0002
alphaU 0.00091 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99063 PCT 0.00453
r270_265m 0.30843 PCT 0.00881
r270_267m 0.30554 PCT 0.00907
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.0102 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r204_205m 0.00045 PCT 0.40115
r206_204m 12,583.18118 PCT 0.41735
r206_205m 5.68543 PCT 0.01319
r206_207m 12.97798 PCT 0.01784
r206_208m 5.76362 PCT 0.01239
r207_204m 969.69415 PCT 0.43592
r207_205m 0.43804 PCT 0.02389
r208_204m 2,184.9778 PCT 0.45999
r208_205m 0.98643 PCT 0.01916
r233_235m 0.99457 PCT 0.00453
r238_233m 0.30843 PCT 0.00881
r238_235m 0.30675 PCT 0.00907

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.1861 ABS 0.00006
r206_238r_Th 0.18611 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r 0.07631 ABS 0.00003
r207_206r_Pa 0.07631 ABS 0.00003
r207_206r_Th 0.0763 ABS 0.00003
r207_206r_ThPa 0.0763 ABS 0.00003
r207_235r 1.95709 ABS 0.00115
r207_235r_Pa 1.95709 ABS 0.00115
r208_206r 0.17207 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.83467 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.83466 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.83462 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.83462 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.5228 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.52279 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.52273 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.52272 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,100.204 Ma ABS 0.299 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,100.278 Ma ABS 0.299 Ma
age207_206r 1,102.231 Ma ABS 0.751 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,102.227 Ma ABS 0.751 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,102.084 Ma ABS 0.751 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,102.079 Ma ABS 0.751 Ma
age207_235r 1,100.885 Ma ABS 0.393 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,100.883 Ma ABS 0.393 Ma
bestAge 1,100.204 Ma ABS 0.299 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.18394

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 270.99902 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.56993 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 15,766.60963 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07631 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51096 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.37351 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.41976 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z7_1
Grain ID = z7_1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET2535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = true
Alpha Pb Model ID = #NONE#
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.00187 ABS 0.0
alphaU 0.00082 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.99146 PCT 0.00691
r270_265m 0.16907 PCT 0.02309
r270_267m 0.16762 PCT 0.02353
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.006 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r202_205m 1.00476 PCT 0.01227
r204_205m 0.00066 PCT 0.26709
r206_204m 4,723.10446 PCT 0.2762
r206_205m 3.1032 PCT 0.01375
r206_207m 12.67675 PCT 0.0183
r206_208m 5.44948 PCT 0.0186
r207_204m 372.31986 PCT 0.26968
r207_205m 0.2448 PCT 0.02328
r208_204m 866.04367 PCT 0.26692
r208_205m 0.56942 PCT 0.02533
r233_235m 0.99541 PCT 0.00691
r238_233m 0.16907 PCT 0.02309
r238_235m 0.16829 PCT 0.02353

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18611 ABS 0.00006
r206_238r_Th 0.18613 ABS 0.00006
r207_206r 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_Pa 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_Th 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r_ThPa 0.07627 ABS 0.00004
r207_235r 1.95644 ABS 0.00132
r207_235r_Pa 1.95643 ABS 0.00132
r208_206r 0.1771 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.57216 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.57215 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.57213 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.57212 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.07845 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.07845 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.07843 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.07844 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,100.293 Ma ABS 0.346 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,100.367 Ma ABS 0.346 Ma
age207_206r 1,101.385 Ma ABS 1.107 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,101.38 Ma ABS 1.107 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,101.238 Ma ABS 1.107 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,101.234 Ma ABS 1.107 Ma
age207_235r 1,100.66 Ma ABS 0.452 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,100.658 Ma ABS 0.452 Ma
bestAge 1,100.293 Ma ABS 0.346 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.09913

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 96.7618 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.58659 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 5,618.80865 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07627 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51113 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.37303 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.44337 ABS 0.0

Sample Name = MP111-182
Legacy = false
Fraction ID = z8_1
Grain ID = z8_1
Zircon = true
Time Stamp = October 21, 2017 4:32 PM
Mineral Name = other
Setting Type = other
Number of Grains = 1
Estimated Date = 0.0
Stacey Kramers One Percent Uncertainty = 1.0000
Stacey Kramers Correlation Coefficients = 0.5000
Physically Abraded = false
Leached in HF Acid = false
Annealed and Chemically Abraded = false
Chemically Purified UPb = false
Analysis Fraction Comment = NONE
Pb Blank ID = MIT_TPB_MR_NM_9-12_use_this v.1.0
TracerID = ET2535 v.3.0
Fractionation Corrected Pb = true
Alpha Pb Model ID = #NONE#
Fractionation Corrected U = false
Alpha U Model ID = #NONE#

Pb Collector Type = NONE
U Collector Type = NONE

Analysis Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
alphaPb 0.00158 ABS 0.0
alphaU 0.00089 ABS 0.0
ar231_235sample 1.1 ABS 0.1
pbBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0
r18O_16O 0.002 ABS 0.00002
r18O_16O_revised 0.00205 ABS 0.00002
r238_235b 137.818 ABS 0.01
r238_235s 137.818 ABS 0.01
r265_267m 0.9909 PCT 0.00415
r270_265m 0.26529 PCT 0.00938
r270_267m 0.26287 PCT 0.01005
rTh_Umagma 3.0 ABS 0.5
tracerMassInGrams 0.006 ABS 0.0001
uBlankMassInGrams 0.0 ABS 0.0

Measured Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r202_205m 1.00418 PCT 0.01325
r204_205m 0.00062 PCT 0.31982
r206_204m 7,975.49968 PCT 0.31686
r206_205m 4.90359 PCT 0.01283
r206_207m 12.84532 PCT 0.01732
r206_208m 6.09967 PCT 0.01288
r207_204m 620.94504 PCT 0.31776
r207_205m 0.38169 PCT 0.02543
r208_204m 1,307.29976 PCT 0.31667
r208_205m 0.80397 PCT 0.0206
r233_235m 0.99485 PCT 0.00415
r238_233m 0.26529 PCT 0.00938
r238_235m 0.26391 PCT 0.01005

Radiogenic Isotope Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_238r 0.18635 ABS 0.00004
r206_238r_Th 0.18636 ABS 0.00004
r207_206r 0.07631 ABS 0.00003
r207_206r_Pa 0.07631 ABS 0.00003
r207_206r_Th 0.0763 ABS 0.00003
r207_206r_ThPa 0.0763 ABS 0.00003
r207_235r 1.95969 ABS 0.00088
r207_235r_Pa 1.95968 ABS 0.00088
r208_206r 0.16017 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r 0.58051 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r__r207_235r_Pa 0.5805 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r 0.58046 ABS 0.0
rhoR206_238r_Th__r207_235r_Pa 0.58045 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r__r238_206r -0.11557 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Pa__r238_206r -0.11557 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_Th__r238_206r_Th -0.11551 ABS 0.0
rhoR207_206r_ThPa__r238_206r_Th -0.11551 ABS 0.0

Radiogenic Isotope Dates
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
age206_238r 1,101.56 Ma ABS 0.221 Ma
age206_238r_Th 1,101.636 Ma ABS 0.221 Ma
age207_206r 1,102.199 Ma ABS 0.732 Ma
age207_206r_Pa 1,102.194 Ma ABS 0.732 Ma
age207_206r_Th 1,102.049 Ma ABS 0.732 Ma
age207_206r_ThPa 1,102.044 Ma ABS 0.733 Ma
age207_235r 1,101.775 Ma ABS 0.3 Ma
age207_235r_Pa 1,101.773 Ma ABS 0.3 Ma
bestAge 1,101.56 Ma ABS 0.221 Ma
percentDiscordance 0.05794

Compositional Measures
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
massPb_rib 0.0 ABS 0.0
massU 0.0 ABS 0.0
radToCommonTotal 163.46128 ABS 0.0
rTh_Usample 0.53054 ABS 0.0
totCommonPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0
totRadiogenicPbMass 0.0 ABS 0.0

Sample Isochron Ratios
Name Value Uncertainty Type One Sigma
r206_204tfc 9,609.63359 ABS 0.0
r207_206s 0.07631 ABS 0.0
r235_207s 0.51029 ABS 0.0
r238_206s 5.36631 ABS 0.0
r238_207s 70.32661 ABS 0.0

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